
Background Image Alternative Text: Letterpress graphic design class at Hatch
Art internships

Art internships

Course credit for approved internships is offered in the areas of fine arts, photography, and graphic design. Design internships are also available at several locations on the Mississippi 91制片厂 University campus.

Graphic Design

Students must successfully complete 135 hours at the place of internship to receive 3 credit hours for ART 4523. Graphic design students have completed design internships at national, regional and state firms including Rolling Stone Magazine in NYC, Animation World Network in Los Angeles, Hatch Show Print in Nashville, One Fast Buffalo Studio in Dallas. Others have had opportunities at design firms and advertising agencies in cities such as Boston, Baltimore, Dallas, Atlanta, Nantucket, Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham, Jackson, Nashville, Bowling Green, Orlando, Starkville, Tupelo, Greenwood and West Point.

Visit the Mississippi 91制片厂 University Career Center website for current internship and job openings.  


(662) 325-2202

Building Construction Science

(662) 325-8305

Interior Design

(662) 325-0530

Dean's Office

(662) 325-5150